Going to a Hairdresser? The Most Frequent Problems in Hairdressing Salons

Rachel Holdens     |     Jul, 02

Hairdressing, in the case of women, is not just a place to get your hair done. It is also a meeting point with neighbours, well-known friends, and a chance for relaxation and confessions for those who do not have other alternatives.

But regardless of the pleasure you hope to feel when you go to improve your image, the truth is that there can be problems.

Common problems

The most common problem that hairdressers may face with their clients lies either in the distaste for the cut or hair colour, or in some flaw in the clothes. First of all, it must be said that the hairdressing sector, generally, is reluctant to admit that they can make mistakes. None of them admits to problems with burnt hair, problems with dyes, chemicals, etc.

However, it is also true that they often emphasise their interest in leaving the customer happy and satisfied and do not skimp on ensuring that in case of any major disagreement they always come to the client’s defense and try to provide solutions to “straighten out” any mess.

Stains on clothes

In hairdressing, especially for women, but also to some extent for men, the biggest incident that occurs between clients and hairdressers is some damage to a garment that is worn at the time. Most of the time, when there is a problem of this nature, the hairdresser recognises the mistake and does not hesitate to pay for the dry cleaner.

However, in some cases, it has been necessary to go to arbitration since there has been no private agreement between the client and the hairdresser. In these cases, the arbitration board often decides in favour of the hairdresser. This is because, in most cases, it is shown that the garment, allegedly damaged, was already in disrepair before going to the hairdresser and this argument has been used to obtain free dry cleaning or replacement.

Hair problems

The problems get more serious when what is damaged is not a garment, but your own head. While there have been cases where clients have taken legal action, seeking compensation for burns, in general, the main complaints of clients, mostly women, are less serious, such as, “The dye has spoiled my hair!” or on many more occasions, “I did not want it so short!” and “It does not look good!”


Faced with these setbacks, hairdressing professionals apparently have an answer for everything. The perception of a client who says that her hair is burned is wrong. According to one hairdresser, hair can be damaged, or more or less dry, but burning only happens if you put a match to it.

The good news is that, often, there is a solution for those who have been harmed; another treatment or serious of sessions to correct any damage.

However, in extreme cases, clients may resort to making claims against hairdressers for compensation in relation to damage suffered.